Note: This article is Android version dependent. Before you do it, you have to upgrade your phone. Use the article on Making your Sony Xperia Arc faster using Android 2.3.4 Global Generic 4.0.2.A.0.42.
Root your phone
Root your phone using zergRush.
Remove the junk applications
$ adb shell $ su #
Note that /system is mounted as read only:
# mount ... /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system yaffs2 ro,relatime 0 0 ...
Remount the /system partition as read-write:
# busybox mount -o remount,rw /system
Verify that it is read-write:
# mount ... /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system yaffs2 rw,relatime 0 0 ...
Change directory to /system/app
# cd /system/app
Now delete the following applications:
# rm chinesetextinput.apk # rm com.sonyericsson.androidapp.storefront.apk # rm datatrafficswitch.apk # rm IddAgent.apk # rm JapaneseIME.apk # rm letsgolf_A_353.apk # rm neoreader.apk # rm OmaDatasyncService.apk # rm playnowclientarvato.apk # rm POBoxSknPink.apk # rm POBoxSknWood.apk # rm SemcCrashMonitor.apk # rm SEMCSetupWizard.apk # rm Stk.apk # rm Sync.apk # rm SyncWizard.apk # rm trackid.apk # rm UpdateCenter.apk # rm usersupport.apk # rm widgetdigitalclock.apk # rm widgetonoff.apk # rm wisepilot.apk
Now remount the /system partition read only.
# busybox mount -o remount,ro /system
Reboot the phone.
Visitor (not verified)
Tue, 2011/12/13 - 23:39Thank you for the junk removal process.