Khalid M. Baheyeldin
My name is Khalid Baheyeldin, and I am originally from Alexandria, Egypt, now living in Ontario, Canada.
On Khalid Baheyeldin
My name is Khalid Baheyeldin, and I am originally from Alexandria, Egypt, now living in Ontario, Canada.
I am having a busy 10 days coming, with several talks at different venues. Hope to see you at some of them. They are:
Well, I got asked that question by more than one person in the last week. One of them even asked if I am descended from the Pharaoh of Egypt and hence the dynasty!Well, no. I don't think I am descended from Pharaohs. My ancestry on my father's side is Syrio-Arab, and Circassian. On my mother's side it is Moorish. You can see more in the ancestry section.So, what was I thinking when I called this site the Baheyeldin Dynasty?
Andrew Stevenson did a 5 minute Speed Talk at Drupal Camp Toronto.
Earlier, he was in one of the sessions I gave (Building communities using the Userpoints module and API).
Thank you for your interest.
At present, I am not considering full time employment, and therefore, my resume is only provided upon request.
However, if you have a need for contract or project work in the web development, specially using Drupal or Backdrop CMS, you can ask for a quote via, my consulting company.
My first name is Khalid. In Arabic, this is خالد. It was originally spelled Khaled with an "e", to be more in line with the Egyptian pronounciation, but at some point I decided that Khalid with an "i" is closer to the classical version. The problem is that in English, this is taken to be a long "i", as in "-leed". It is more like "lid".
Searching Google for the proper name Khalid returns this web site in the top 10. Of course, having a non Anglo-Saxon name helps a bit.Also, see this post, and comments, on Om Malik's web site about other geeks on Google. Or you can read more about what the name Khalid means.
This Baheyeldin Dynasty web site, has been on the net since 1999. It started with a simple HTML only design, but quickly changed to a semi dynamic web site using a home brew content management system that used flat files, with includes for menus, statistics, user login, redirects and other functions. Here is how the site looked for almost four years.
Something unusual happened a while back at work. While I almost never write on my web site about work, I am making an exception here for reasons that will become apparent as you read more.I came under a new manager lately, let us call him S. When I was checking with colleagues who know him better than I do, one made the comment: "He will be the most technical manager you have ever had".I never made much of this comment until I had a chance to work with S closely on a project. What is amazing was that he is really hands on to a degree that you cannot imagine. He knows where the source repositories are, knows which part does what, and will sit and debug code with you, knowing the ins and outs of development.
As someone who has changed careers from pharmacy to computers, I am not totally unbiased. However, I have some objective points to make against being a retail pharmacist.
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