Regarding Druplicon, Drupal's mascot, I have the same feelings about his eyes. The official history details how its eyes are supposed to have the infinity sign in them.While walkah prays to the Druplicon, and Robert Douglass sings its praise, while others morphed into a more evil looking Druplicon, some do share my dislike. Someone proposed to politely replace it. I have jokingly voiced my dislike for Druplicon, comparing them to Mandriva 2005 Tux eyes., as well mentioned the nightmares I have because of those eyes, and me looking under the bed before going to sleep.It seems freaky eyed logos are a fixture of some open source software project. After all programmers and geeks are not known for their aesthetic or artistic skills.Last year while installing Mandriva LE 2005, I did not like the looks of Tux with stars as eyes. TuxMachines (a Drupal site) in her Mandriva 2005 review, agrees, and she says:
But Mandriva's new mascot is almost scary. It's a huge close up focusing into the starry eyes of Tux. When I say starry eyes, I don't mean a 'dreamingly longing look', I mean the pupils are big stars. He looks either drunk or beaten or zombie-ish. And it is scary - almost nightmarish. I quote a friend who states, "...looks like it is possessed! Kinda fiendish..." I recommend not booting around your 4-year old. You will encounter "Monster Tux" again at certain areas such as the kde loading/progress screen, but those are easily changed. I hope Mandriva rethinks this image before their next release. I kid you not when I say I literally jumped when I first booted my install floppy! This is a small issue in the grand scheme of things I realize, but image is everything. If Mandriva is hoping for a more professional reputation, I'm not sure Monster Tux lends itself to that.
So, while we are discussing the community plumbing motto, let us junk the eyes from Druplicon as well.
andremolnar (not verified)
Not freaky
Mon, 2008/02/11 - 15:31"After all programmers and geeks are not known for their aesthetic or artistic skills."
I think that's painting all geeks with a broad brush stroke.
Still, I'm fond of Drupalicon's eyes and the versatility of the icon in general. I'm not sure rebranding is the best thing... but then again sometimes rebrandings are good. I'm thinking FreeBSD. But, in the same breath I could say that the FreeBSD rebranding simply introduced a second brand - since the geeks still use 'beastie' as their brand and the suits using the new logo.
I wouldn't be opposed to a second icon... say like the FreeBSD logo - but blue not red - and one peak on top instead of two horns.