Drupaller Noel Hidalgo is traveling the world in seven months and documenting Open Source, Drupal, freedom, and many other aspects of his experience in his Luck of Seven web site.
In Antwerp, he met with Drupal founder, Dries Buytaert, and interviewed him.
The interview is now up on the Luck of Seven web site.
Warning for those on a slow link: this is 132MB.
Here is Noel's post on his Luck of Seven web site.
Trivia: there is a bit of Arabic and quotes from the Quran in the music. The vocals are by Malian artist Vieux Farka Toure, and they say:
بسم الله ربنا أتنا .......
In the name of Allah, Oh our Lord, give us ...
The rest is not clear as it is heavily accented, but the closest would be a quotation from Quran 2:201.
Update Sept 3, 2007: I now can make up all the words. They are:
بسم الله ربنا أتنا - الرحمن ربنا - و إليك المصير
Which is an indirect quote from the above verses, but says:
In the name of Allah, Oh our Lord, give us - The merciful our Lord - And to you our destiny
noel a hidalgo (not verified)
give us drupal!!!
Tue, 2007/08/28 - 05:03wow, i didn't know it was arabic... but now that i do know... let us all have a bit of drupal.
I could hardly make it ...
Tue, 2007/08/28 - 05:05The accent is so Africanized that I could hardly make it. I still can't figure the rest of it, but the part I was able to decipher is correct.
Khalid Baheyeldin