I have a picture of Salma, my youngest daughter, titled the girl with the curly hair. Cute picture, proud father, normal blog stuff ...
Today, I got this request from someone called Senthil (assuming he is from India), requesting that I link back to his site about hair care tips and hair loss remedies from that page.
This related to improving the ranking of search engines for his site by having links to it from other high ranking sites. Searching Google on "girl with curly hair" shows the above page as #7 on the first page.
Here is the email I got:
Hello ,
Quality sites need to link together.. don’t you agree? I can give you a high quality content page link from my site ([URL deleted] pr3, 1149 backlinks in yahoo).
In addition both our sites are vertically related. I am sure you are aware of content page link plays a major role in SEO.
Kindly add my link in your content pages other than the links page. your site is a quality site hence I need a content link from your website.
If you said yes, then I need your link text and URL to get this started.
If no,I am really sorry to have been a disturbance. I promise,this will not repeat.
Link Title : latest hair styles
Link URL : [URL deleted]Awaiting for a word,
SEO spam ...
Anonymous (not verified)
I got the same message which
Fri, 2007/11/02 - 10:36I got the same message which was sent to me via form (and it even included a simple CAPTCHA). It's either a bot or an idiot using the same cookie cutter message.
RE: On 11/2/2007 2:07:26 AM, roosevelt (webmaster@videoconferencenet.com) wrote: > Quality sites need to link together.. don't you agree? I can give you a high quality content page link from mysite(www. videoconferencenet. com). In addition both our sites are vertically related. I am sure you are aware of content page link plays a major role in SEO.
RE: On 10/16/2007 10:06:39 AM, john (webmaster@pcsecurityalert.com) wrote: > Quality sites need to link together.. don't you agree? I can give you a high quality content page link from mysite(www. pcsecurityalert. com pr3 52 Backlinks in yahoo). In addition both our sites are vertically related. I am sure you are aware of content page link plays a major role in SEO.