The Calgary Sun had an article by Licia Corbella, where her premise is that Multiculturalism threatens Canada.
She quotes one Dr. Mahfooz Kanwar of Mount Royal College in Calgary, whom she describes as a "devout Muslim" and "Pakistani-born". He says: "Multiculturalism has been bad for unity in Canada. It ghettoizes people, makes them believe, wrongly, that isolating themselves and not adapting to their new society is OK". Kanwar justified alleged mistreatment in prison because "for accused terrorists, this should be expected". Kanwar also advocates that covering one's face should be illegal.
She also quotes one David Harris, and ex-CSIS agent who advocates Canada imposing a moratorium on immigration until it "figures out what needs to be done". Immigrants should not only be screened for criminal records, but for "incompatible ideologies".
By quoting a "devout Muslim" the author can deflect criticism and present that opinion as not being hers.
This article was picked up by anti-immigration blogs, such as the Libertarian QandO, wherein they advocate the melting pot model, and blame multiculturalism for terrorism. Kanwar is quoted in that blog too.
Kanwar's article has been criticized, for example in the Magic Statistics web site.
Even the right wing Prime Minister Stephen Harper says that multiculturalism prevents terrorism.
The London Free Press has an article by Helen Connel where she stresses that terrorism aims to divide, and that it has always been Jew vs. Gentile, Catholic vs. Protestant, and blacks vs. white. Now it is Muslims and non-Muslims.
I would like to point out that Canada has been multicultural to some degree even before the term was invented in the second half of the 20th century. Think about the Old Order Mennonites in the Waterloo region, and how they dress differently, speak differently, and behave differently. They do not deal in loans with interest, they do not work for the government, they do not serve in the army, they have their own schools, they don't vote, they don't get government healthcare. They still ride horse driven buggies, have no electricity at home, nor phone lines, nor computers.
Despite all that they have managed to thrive for almost two centuries in the region and elsewhere in Canada. They are the epitomy of the "live and let live" motto.
I plan to write a fuller article on the Mennonites.
For now, Kanwar and those narrow minded people who advocate his views can look at the rest of Canada and be dismayed.
- Dangerous Disconnect: Terrorism Arrests Should Prompt Complete Rethink of Immigration Policy, Licia Corbella, Calgary Sun.
- Questions and Observations: A Creeping Dawn On Canada.
- Magic Statistics on Kanwar's quotes.
- Edmonton Journal: Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Multiculturalism and Terrorism.
- London Free Press: Helen Connel: Goal Of Terrorists Is To Divide People.
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