We all know that kittens get killed when you hack Drupal core.
But that is nothing? How about kitten torture?
Anyone Flash guru up for remixing that with Druplicon?
We all know that kittens get killed when you hack Drupal core.
But that is nothing? How about kitten torture?
Anyone Flash guru up for remixing that with Druplicon?
Most commented on articles ...
Various little bits of information ...
Rob Loach (not verified)
Sun, 2009/03/08 - 07:38I can't play this without installing the Kitten module!
Great to see you again, Khalid! See you soon.
Anonymous (not verified)
Is this really appropriate
Sun, 2009/03/08 - 18:47Is this really appropriate for Planet?
Of course
Sun, 2009/03/08 - 19:19Of course it is relevant.
The "killing kittens" is a running joke in the community: every time to hack core, kittens die, ...etc.
That expression is used in many presentations, in the issue queue (e.g. 1, 2), code commits, and there is even a module named kitten now.
I am not sure if people on drupal.org who say they are interested in kittens mean the real feline, or joking about it. Something about Jeff Eaton and Rob Loach being there makes me think the latter.
This blog post on the planet came out from a discussion during the code sprint at DrupalCon DC 2009 yesterday with chx. We had some laughs about it.
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2009/04/05 - 01:55assholes