For years, the Egyptian Cuisine section on the Baheyeldin web site has been one of the most visited parts of the site. Visitors were asking for recipes and not just background information and history.
So, today, we launched the Egyptian Cuisine Recipes just as visitors requested, with more than 70 recipes ready for you to try.
Of course, the site is running Drupal, the best content management system and framework, with many modules we have developed, such as feedback, adsense, sitemenu and a custom port to 4.7 of the recipe module.
See the Drupal showcase announcement.
Laura (not verified)
Sat, 2006/07/22 - 00:23Just reading the recipes is making me hungry!
moshe Weitzman (not verified)
Share it
Sat, 2006/07/22 - 14:21Share the 4.7 port if possible.
Lots of recipe users are waiting on it.
Already did ...
Sat, 2006/07/22 - 15:44Wafaa has done that a while back in this issue.
I attached the latest version to the same issue.