Khaled Mounir was one of my classmates from kindergarten to grade 9 at E.G.C. We were the only two Khaled's in our grade, and we were in the same class most of the time. Following his father's footsteps, he specialized in Ophthalmology and is an eye surgeon at El Mowasa Hospital in Alexandria, and the head of the department there. He also has a private practice.I have not seen Khaled for about 20 years, apart from running into him by accident in a gas station in Alexandria many years ago. He visited me in Summer 2005 while I was on vacation in Egypt. What is interesting is that he ran across my web site by accident, and He still speaks the same way he did decades ago, describing an old lady he treated as "The Wet Nurse of Akhnaten" مرضعة أخناتون (exaggeration of her age). When we were in London together in 1974 or 1975 on a school trip, he used to call a boy named David داوود and the famous Marks and Spencer stores مرقص و سبينسور Arabizing the names, and make them sound funny. What I did not realize is that Khaled is a geek and hacker at heart. When he visited me, he had a mobile phone with a camera in it, and had pictures of his kids and wife on it. He also had a digital camera with him, and was talking about how he pursues challenges on computer stuff, until there is no more challenge then he drops the topic and finds something else. A true hacker ethic indeed: the pursuit of technical challenges. The above photo is from Summer 2005. See how he looked in 1968!
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