This spring has been quite unusual weatherwise in Southern Ontario. We had two instances of freak snow storms.
The snow started melting in the last week of March. Then, when almost all of it was almost gone, we got a huge snow storm in early April.
On Friday April 1, when I told some colleagues that the weather forecast was for a two day snow storm with up to 25 centimeters of snow, they did not believe me, and dismissed it as a lame attempt of an April Fool joke.
I took the camera out on April 1 evening, and took some pictures, then again on April 3 with all the snow on the ground. On 4 April, on the way to work, the fields were covered with snow, so I took a few pictures. On the way back home, all the snow was gone, and I took some pictures again. You can see the pictures below.
Pictures before and after
One week after that snow storm, on April 10, we were out in a park having a barbecque, with the sun making it feel hot in mid-day.
Thenon 24 April, we again had some snow. Not really a bad storm, but enough tohave a mix of flowers in bloom, with snow on trees at the same time. There were also green buds and snow. My neighbor's magnolia had pink blossoms about to unfurl in all their glory, and the lilacs had greenleaves in buds that are starting to split open. The maple havetheir full bloom underway. All this, with snow on the branches. Quite amazing.
Lillies in the front yard, with snow cover. | |
Maple flowers blooming, with snow on the branches. | |
Snow cover in backyards and roof tops. | |
Snow on magnolia flowers! |
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