The official list of 39 companies can be found at this page at the ISU. They also have a file (in Arabic Rich Text format containing a list of companies licenced to be ISPs in Saudi Arabia, with their telephone numbers. A fuller list with contact names, telephone and fax numbers, and addresses is also available at the Trade Port November 1998 article which lists 41 companies. If you want the same list in Arabic, then you can visit this Saudi 2000 page. However, you should note that "licensed" doesn't mean "currently offering service". Many companies who are licensed have not yet appeared on the scene (still setting up, having a "wait and see" attitude, ...etc.), and some may never appear (lack of interest, ...etc.). This comparison page only deals with companies known to offer the service now and therefore, will not list all providers, until they are known to offer the service. On 30 June 1999 the authorities in Saudi Arabia cancelled the licenses for 11 registered Interent Service Providers due to the failure to start providing services to customers.
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monzer (not verified)
am looking for all list of
Wed, 2008/12/17 - 07:51am looking for all list of companies in saudi arabiaor gu;f area is there anyweb site for this issue ?