Ever wondered why the weird date used for HTTP headers in Drupal? Specifically, did you ever check the Expires: header in Drupal?
You may have stumbled on it while inspecting header data using wget or FireFox tamper data. Or you were simply browsing Drupal's source code in bootstrap.inc, and saw this?
header("Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT");
Well, that magical date is today, and it is Dries' birthday. So he turns 30 years old today!
You can go on his site, and send him a congratulations message.
Matt Asay
Wed, 2008/11/19 - 22:14Matt Asay says it well at The Open Road:
Well, add to that that Dries nurtured a community around Drupal, that in turn added to Drupal what he or a small team could never have done alone.
Inacall (not verified)
Dries is gaining
Thu, 2009/07/30 - 15:05Dries is gaining popularity,uniquely.it is my constant and sanity saving companion.