2bits was commissioned to write a watermark module for Drupal's image module.
The module basically overlays a predefined PNG over each image uploaded. Options exist to restrict the watermarking to certain images and not other (e.g. thumbnails are not watermarked, but full images are).
Ivan Raszl of Creativine and CreativeBits talked me into organizing a bounty for this module before releasing it to the community, and advertised it here. The site has demos as well as a screen shot of the settings page for the module.
Whether this is successful or not remains to be seen.
Gordon Heydon (not verified)
Here a generic patch that I did which would be used.
Sun, 2006/07/30 - 18:22Hi,
This is great, and I would like to direct you to a patch that I submitted about six months ago for 4.6 which adds a couple hooks which allow the manipulation of the images by other modules.
checkout http://drupal.org/node/42835
This gives a generic set of hooks which will allows for any type of manipulation including the addition of watermarks.
This will not make your work any less, but it will leave the image module lean, and allow for any number of manipulations to images.
Sun, 2006/07/30 - 20:49That is great. I hope this makes it to image.module. One of Drupal's most powerful features is hooks, and you use it well in ecommerce.
My approach requires no patching, and uses the nodeapi on insert and update to modify the image.
It also injects the new settings fields into image.module settings page (not really necessary, but less clutter for the admin).
Bèr (not verified)
Might pick up where I left: imageactions
Mon, 2006/07/31 - 14:34I once had a working proof of concept, for this, using image module, actions module and workflow modules. And a module image actions.
Basically it adds a range of actions that can be performed in steps or based on criteria to images:
* greyscaling
* sepiatone-ing
* rotations
* watermarking (+settings for what image to use as watermark)
It is old, and it will probably no longer work, but it might be a nice route to look at. Can be found in my sandbox.
Tried it
Mon, 2006/07/31 - 15:25I tried it before I wrote this module, but it did not work.
I can't remember the details, but I think it was that the action never fired no matter what I did.