Some scam emails are meant for identify theft. Having got your information, the scammers pose as you for various things without your knowledge or consent.
Some scam emails are meant for identify theft. Having got your information, the scammers pose as you for various things without your knowledge or consent.
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Joram (not verified)
I'm being scammed right now
Sat, 2007/08/18 - 06:38This guy is in South Africa, they/he even provided a valid number that I communicated with him live not more than 20 minutes ago. They/he claim to be from " World Cup Sout African lottery" too.
I am in Namibia and currently I'm busy playing along following the discovery that it is all a fake and night of wishfull thinking of having a house on a city hillside. He said he will forward an electronic form that I have to fill in shortly.
This guys need to be done away with and for good. What to I do to put an end to this? I called the South African police line and to no avail. I really want him down.
vanessa (not verified)
fifaworld cup lottery
Sat, 2009/05/30 - 15:27iam in australia and was sent email from guy claiming to be assigned agent that i won fifa world cup lottery. I contacted this person by phone which he then forwarded details via email for me to go to south africa before 5 june to claim my winnings and a person from their company would pick me up from johannesburg airport and if cannot make it in person to contact him again via phone to organise for a certified cashiers check to be sent to me.i too am playing it out and im also ringing the national lottery board to report this matter
Anonymous (not verified)
i got this same email
Mon, 2007/11/05 - 02:10the probally is that i emailed them back with name phone number adress should i be worried i will not contact them back i have no credit nor credit cards i was researching this last night they have hot mail email i was tring to get a profile should i be worried i dont want theese people scammers knowing anything about me
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2007/12/13 - 07:13I do not know how this people choosing us from all over the world.Maybe they are sending this mail to hundred people per day.Anyway, i did not respond them and hope them bad luck!!!!
Anonymous (not verified)
Fraud : Winning of Megha Lottery : FIFA WORLD CUP
Fri, 2007/12/28 - 06:06I have received FOUR such emails and feel I am such a Lucky guy that Destiny has showered over me such a huge amount from all the Sponsorers of SOUTH AFRICA FIFA WORLD CUP 2001. More over the name of the Banks they are using are I think not taking any action on this persons I have forwarded the mails to the referred banks and am warning all the guys who gets such mails that just have time pass with this fellows BUT NEVER PAY ANY PENNY
Anonymous (not verified)
Yea i just got one of there
Wed, 2007/12/19 - 12:02Yea i just got one of there emails. i emailed him back and asked what the hell there corporation was for and all he sent me was another form to fill out... so i researched it on google before filling out and i found this so thanks whoever started this because i woulda been pissed if someone stole my shit or indentity
W.T. (not verified)
RE: Scam Lottery winning notification e-mails
Thu, 2007/12/20 - 10:01I have received literally thousands of these "BOGUS" winning notification e-mails over the past 4 years. My advice to everyone is to just delete them. The reality is that if you didn't enter or purchase a ticket you did not win anything and you will loose money if you respond to these Internet criminals. "BEWARE"!!!! "BE WARNED"!!!!
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2007/12/20 - 11:52Yeah, I just got one of these emails. I googled the name of the company and found you guys. Thank you very much for the useful information. This bulletin is awsome. The emails are a scam. BE AWARE.
Anonymous (not verified)
i got the same mail
Fri, 2007/12/28 - 04:47this guy calls himself as kennedy more, the processing manager. i was very happy when i saw my mail box, i mailed him back all my details and talked to him on phone. i was building my dream world when i thought of searching the company on google & i came to know that everything was fake. i got dissapointed but m happy to know the truth before being cheated. have i to worry coz i have filled the form provided by them
Anonymous (not verified)
Have I been scammed???
Sat, 2008/01/19 - 15:04I filled out one of the forms that they sent me....I was so happy that I had supposely won 3.5 million that i filled it out right away...then the guy sent me some info about the company who was suppose to sent me my winning package, along with the check...i thought it was all real, and then I came to this page, and found that is all a fake...should i be worry about identity theft, since i only filled out the first form...???...please someone asnwer me back.