These are some scams in the name of charity, alms or Zakat.
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These are some scams in the name of charity, alms or Zakat.
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ABDUL SUKKUR (not verified)
helf for poor
Mon, 2015/08/10 - 23:36Assalamualaikum
I belong a poor family and my village area also very poor l want to help my village and l want start a school in my area sir please help me and my villagers
We will pray for you
Abdul sukkur
Mobil [removed]
Syed Mahammad Ali (not verified)
I need financial help
Wed, 2017/06/28 - 01:17I am Indian Muslim, I am small business man ,I need financial help because my financial condition very very poor, I applied my government financial help or loan but no response because I am Muslim, I only earning member, please financial help me
Faruque (not verified)
Financial Help
Wed, 2017/08/23 - 06:24Dear Sir,
I am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart. I have a special reason why I have decided to contact you, is due to the urgency of my situation. I'm a Bangladeshi. You know Bangladesh is a third world country. Still 40% of its population live under poverty line and unfortunately my position is here. I'm a simple government service holder.There are six members in my family. The month end salary amounting of US $565.00 from my job is the only source of income of my family. I'm not in the position to bear my family expenses. I've two school going daughters. One is in grade 10 and the other is in grade 6. I can't meet their tuition and boarding fees. Besides, I took a loan of US$70,000.00 against mortgage of my house @ 5% per annum interest and invested in a restaurant business for the good of my family. But unfortunately, I have run a heavy losses in my venture. A few days back I sent an intense message to my friends describing my present situation. My confidence was that some ones would come forward, but all of my efforts ended in smoke. Now knowing you as a great friend of poor community I'm approaching you as a last resort and out of utter helplessness to render me immediate succor. My appeal might surprise you as it has always been against my principle in life. But life is more real and important than a principle. Your kind support to a poor family is deeply appreciated. If you have questions, concerns or just want more details, please contact me on [deleted].
Faruque [deleted].
Irfan (not verified)
Support Request (Permintaan sokongan)
Sun, 2017/08/27 - 14:44Greetings in the name of Great Allah, the Most Beneficent,the Most Merciful.
Honorable Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah!
As Salam u alikum wa Rehmat ullah wa Barakat'uh
Dearest Sultan.
I am [deleted] living in Pakistan. now a days i am jobless since last 3 years, i have no money more. i am married have 2 son. 1st studying in private Behria university in Lahore City in BS(IT) and 2nd son is in Matriculation. i am 46 year old and my wife is 43 year old she is Arthritus patient. my mother is also dependent on me. I need money in the shape of zaket or any other shape. please help me. Allah give you return. Allah give you highest Popularity in the world. you have many many Allah's Fazal o Karam. please help a yous's one muslim son. my whole family always thankful to you for this act of kindness.
yours obediently
Account IBAN No. [deleted]
Bank Al Habib, Latifabad No.7 Branch, Hyderabad
Sindh pakistan.
Abu Md. Suza (not verified)
Medical treatment
Sun, 2018/07/22 - 06:16Dear sir,
I am [deleted] poor family, My father is senior citizen 79 years old. Now at present my father 2 times heart attack. Which is the present situation is that my father Doctor advice the advance treatment. So, sir, I prayed some financial help in my family.
With regards
Email : [deleted]