My first name is Khalid. In Arabic, this is خالد. It was originally spelled Khaled with an "e", to be more in line with the Egyptian pronounciation, but at some point I decided that Khalid with an "i" is closer to the classical version. The problem is that in English, this is taken to be a long "i", as in "-leed". It is more like "lid".
Khalid is a pre-Islamic Arabic name meaning "immortal". One of the earliest famous persons called Khalid is Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, a n Arab general whose conquests against the two most powerful empires of the time (Byzantine and Sassanian) brought him everlasting fame. He is one of a few military commanders who never knew defeat in battle.
- Detailed biography of Khalid Ibn Al Walid.
- Wikipedia biography of Khalid ibn al Walid.
- Wikipedia entry for the Khalid as a name.
Anonymous (not verified)
I think the name Khalid is
Tue, 2010/11/23 - 10:15I think the name Khalid is hot!!!!! knowing now what it means it is very fitting.My Khalid could be named no other.LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
Anonymous (not verified)
Especially when you know
Thu, 2012/04/05 - 17:58Especially when you know about the Lord's coming when he will reward his servants (those that follow his commandments) with "eternal" life...once they have received their change from him.
Hiba (not verified)
Khalid means immortal
Tue, 2007/11/27 - 20:01Khalid means immortal
Anonymous (not verified)
Muhammad Khalid is a famous
Sun, 2008/01/13 - 10:24Muhammad Khalid is a famous TV news reporter working with a pakistan based urdu news tv channel.
Khalid Ibn Alwalid (not verified)
إنه سيف من سيوف
Wed, 2008/02/06 - 13:37إنه سيف من سيوف رب العالمين بشهادة سيد الخلق و المرسلين .. إنه لمنسين الرم وساوس الشياطين بشهادة الصديق الأمين .. إنه الفارس العنيد .. إنه البطل الرشيد .. إنه القائد المنصور أبدا خالد بن الوليد
Dr. Khalid Agwani (not verified)
Fri, 2008/02/08 - 01:18Thanks for information.
Khalid ibn Al-Walid (not verified)
Thu, 2008/02/14 - 18:18I found this very useful
I just finished reading a novel entitled Khalid- The Hunter of Syahid..
Khalid Khan (not verified)
Fri, 2008/04/18 - 16:51I just wanna thank everybody hu took part in finding the meaning of Khalid. It can also mean the everliving. Jazakallah Khair brothers and sisters! Before i forget i want to be helped with the meaning of Khan.
abdul waheed (not verified)
i love d name
Fri, 2015/01/16 - 11:25it is good to learn i have planning to my first son khalid, and thank GOD i have a baby boy now. am naming him khalid....thanks.
Khalid Parvez (not verified)
Ham Radio
Sun, 2008/05/18 - 01:04What is meant by Parvez.