SQL covered chocolate raisins?
Well, the picture says it all: SQL covered chocolate raisins. Next time, read the ingredients carefully, they may even have PHP in them. Bad for allergies, specially if you use Python or Ruby.
How Technology is used in society and how it affects it
Well, the picture says it all: SQL covered chocolate raisins. Next time, read the ingredients carefully, they may even have PHP in them. Bad for allergies, specially if you use Python or Ruby.
Recently, I have seen a surge in spam email advertising an "agent" or "representative" for a company to collect money on its behalf and keep a percentage. A friend's daughter received the following email.
There has been recent surge in money laundering schemes advertising themselves as legitimate business via spam.The scam represents electronic payment services, and normally interface with countries where prosecution is hard or impossible.For example, INTERAC Email transfer, the Canadian direct debit and email transfer service, has a FAQ entry for email money transfer agent job, and another about
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by someone who got scammed. He was conned out of $750 already, and I advised him not to send any more money.The fact that he got scammed made me realize that this scam works, and that is why we all get so many version of it. It also made me sad for the poor sap who got swindled out of his money.However, the following email made my day.
Here is another bizarre thing that received by email:
Subject: Sales manager job in reputed hotel in Saudi ArabiaI am M R from hyderabad, India. I am looking for the post ofhotel sales manager in reputed hotels group. can you please help me out.If yes, Please revert back on my email ID.Thanks & Regards,M RHYderabad,India.
I am not a recruiter, nor do I reside in Saudi Arabia. Perhaps it is because of the (now largely obsolete) Saudi ISP list that is on this site.
Here is another case of mistaken identity: someone thinks I produce Egyptian Roumi cheese (a Romani or Parmiggiano variant). This is mentioned in my page on appetizers.
X Co. from Syriai am an importation department manager in X Co. and i would like tohave an order from Egypt of Gebnna Roomi .i hope you can help me very soon .Best regards
On the Egyptian Cuisine Recipes web site, I mentioned molasses with tahini, which is one way in Egypt of consuming molasses.
This links comes up at the top of Google search for عسل أسود which is the Arabic name for Molasses (literally "black honey").
I sometimes publish emails for scams and fraud that I get, noting the variety and new twisted ways of fooling people. For example, there is the winning a fake lottery, internet classified, craiglist, and usenet scams, and the classic Nigeria 419 advance fee fraud.A few days ago, I got an email from someone asking for help about the lottery.
Here is another "agent needed for company" fraud. This time it is a company allegedly in London, UK, claiming to represent a Chinese company by the name of Bishopston Trading Co.
Another example of a new form of scam email: a fictitious company wants you to be their representative in North America and Europe.In this case, it is an alleged Chinese shoe company.
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