Linux History: Email to Steve Hanson on Unix User Newsletter
This is an email to Steve Hanson regarding the Unix User Newsletter.
This is an email to Steve Hanson regarding the Unix User Newsletter.
Log of my early Linux installation and upgrades. Should be interesting for the digital archeology aspects of it.
In this page, you will find a good collection of links on UNIX history:
Is it just me, or did someone else notice?
Initially, after seeing "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone", and "The Fellowship of the Ring", I thought there are too many similarities between them to be coincidental.
After seeing "The Chamber of Secrets", and reading a bit about "The Prisoner of Azkaban", I saw "Lord of the Rings" trilogy again at home on DVD.
I thought that there was a lot of borrowing that J.K. Rowling did from J.R.R. Tolkien.
Let us see a list of similarities:
I recently upgraded one of the five machines at home from Mandrake 9.1 to Mandrake 10.0 Official Download. This machine is a sluggish Celeron 300 used by my daughter, Sarah.
The upgrade went fine, although it was slow (this machine is not the fastest thing around).
Egypt is literally floating on archeology. In Alexandria, it is
not uncommon to find Roman amphorae and artifacts when digging
foundations for buildings.
This page contains links to various web sites about Alexandria, Egypt around the web.
The following is a collection of pages on Alexandria, Egypt, my home town.
The following is list of maps available online for Alexandria, Egypt.
Alexandrines have a deep love for their city, often bordering on
fanticism. Being from a city that was founded 23 centuries ago, named
after Alexander the Great, been the trade emporium for centuries, a
center of learning for Hellenic and Christian, culture does make us
feel special.
They don't know how to to say everything in plural!
Various little bits of information ...
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